So, The Hillz Had a Really Nice Night on Tuesday

So, The Hillz Had a Really Nice Night on Tuesday

But, if you watched the teevee news, you would get the impression that she did just well enough to stay in the game.  The poor dear.  The story is that Sanders has her on the ropes, and Tuesday night’s massacre (and it was a full, five-state massacre) was a mere bump in the road for the Good Senator from Vermont.  Winning ALL five primaries just barely got her by.  Also, the boys of the press think she needs to smile more and speak in a much more aesthetically pleasing tone.  Kaisich, a noted dick, won ONE primary for the Republican side, and got hours of fawning congratulations from the entire news establishment.

Secretary Clinton is prepared for all of this.  But it still kind of disgusts me. You are offending 51 percent of your viewers, news-peens.  Even women who are not crazy about Hillary Clinton and fully support Sanders are not going to love your Failboat of Sexism.  Pull it together, boys.